Friday, December 17, 2010

Resolutionary Challenge

I signed up today for the Resolutionary Challenge! Whew! Not sure if I can do this, but I'm psyched to give it a try. Starting January 11th, I'll try to keep the following 10 resolutions. If you want to join, go to Bonnie White's blog or google resolutionary challenge.

  1. Floss every day
  2. Drink more water
  3. Exercise 60 minutes a day
  4. Pay down debt
  5. Take 15 minutes a day for myself
  6. Finish eating by 9 pm
  7. Eat 7 servings of fruits and vegetables (SEVEN?!)
  8. Create something each day
  9. Goal of my choice-probably pray or read the Bible each day
  10. Wild Card-she'll pick one each week
So, starting January 11th, I'll be blogging about my 12 week challenge! Here's to a new me!

PS. There's a cash prize!!

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