Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 3

Thoughts from the treadmill
  1. I wonder when my bum will be smaller.
  2. What are those dents in my bum?
  3. I wish they had a medium-est loser, like biggest loser, but for 20-30 pounds.
  4. It's only been ONE MINUTE?!
  5. Wish I knew where my ipod is. I'm bored.
  6. I'm hot.
  7. Is that clock going BACKWARDS?!!
So, later on in the day, I took my doggies for a walk. Much better!

1 comment:

  1. You.Are.AWESOME!!!
    I can't believe you're already doing SO well on this! I'm eating every donut and muffin in sight, and pretty much avoiding as many fruits and vegetables as I can until January... what's MY problem?!?
    I can't wait!!
