Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 30

YEA!! I lost two pounds!! Woo Hoo! Finally! I've really had to push myself to eat lots of veggies every day and exercise for 60 minutes. Sometimes it's 9:00pm before I'm done, and then there's laundry and kids and dishes and all of that work moms do. SO, I'm very excited that all the hard work has started to pay off. I was getting worried that I'd never lose weight. The thing that finally got me over the hump was starting the South Beach diet. It goes really well with the Resolutionary Challenge because of the 7 servings of veggies that we need to eat. I know I'm working hard though because I slept for 12 hours last night. When was the last time I've done that?! Now I just need to keep motivated and not slip back into my old ways.


  1. Those fruits and veggies are keeping more than just my outsides moving and grooving...
    (maybe that was more than you wanted to know)
