- Here are the first sentences of the book: "Remember the person you planned to be? Thought you were, in fact, when you were young and innocent and didn't know any better?" Basically, stop worrying about what other people say about you and just be concerned about the you that God created and BE her.
- Get and nurture some real friendships. (Definitely need some work on this one!)
- Talk to yourself like the little blue engine that could, "I think I can, I think I can..."
- Mind-blowing quote: "Even better, you can take a fresh look in your rearview mirror and, with God's help, see a new story-one that's redemptive, perhaps even empowering." I've learned way more from the difficult things in life than during easy times. Like my ski instructor used to say, "if you're not falling down, you're not challenging yourself!" So true!
- You don't have to have big hair! "Big-Haired Lady is na attitude! A cute, darlin', witty, intelligent, passionate, authentic, interesting, 'wow-look at me because I'm God's very best creation,' seize-the-day attitude!"
Are you a Big Hair Lady? I want to be one!
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